Yes, yes, I know. I am LONG overdue with keeping this updated. I apologize, and I sincerely hope to be a better blogger. Maybe not everyday, but certainly hoping to write a few times a week ...
Let me start with telling you how excited I am about some changes here at House of Poleigh Naise! As long as there is a Victorian based garment in the works, I am a happy camper .... but I have to tell you, Medieval and Renaissance cry my name these days, as well as Victorian Gothic, and even the playfulness of Lolita.
This little Lolita is in the works! This is sort of a teaser picture as the ensemble is not yet completed. I took the opportunity to cut out the pieces to a darling cape with a Victorian/Edwardian look to it. I really wanted to make it out of a black Velvet, but was shy a bit in yardage. My goal these days is to use what my stock has to offer and not go out to buy more. So, the cape will be the same wonderful bridal satin which I used for the skirt. Needless to say, I am rather excited, and there are more Lolita's planned for the near future.
Now this selection of fabrics is making me giddy! A heavy on the slub Dupioni silk for the skirt, which I cut out yesterday afternoon, red satin, black lace, and just look at that red velvet! Sigh .... I am in love! The ensemble? A Victorian Gothic dripping with trained skirt, ruffles and lace, a contemporary low-necked bodice and a peplumed jacket with long flowing sleeves. My inspiration is a tad unusual. I was sitting outside the other morning and two crows flew over. Generally I see sub colors of greens and purples, but that morning I saw a touch of red ... maybe it was the way the sun was shinning on the feathers, but it threw my imagination into a tail spin and I'm flying with it! All puns intended LOL
Until July 23rd, House of Poleigh Naise, both on etsy and ebay, are having a sale at 25% off if anyone is interested, as I HOPE you are!! If you prefer to shop via etsy, you will need to use the coupon code ANNIVERSARY to take the 25% off the listed price. If you are an ebay purchaser, the gowns have already been reduced.
Here are pictures of the gowns you will see:
I invite you to go take a look!
What I really want for each of you is to have a wonderful day! And remember to smile! Hugs to you all!
Let me start with telling you how excited I am about some changes here at House of Poleigh Naise! As long as there is a Victorian based garment in the works, I am a happy camper .... but I have to tell you, Medieval and Renaissance cry my name these days, as well as Victorian Gothic, and even the playfulness of Lolita.
This little Lolita is in the works! This is sort of a teaser picture as the ensemble is not yet completed. I took the opportunity to cut out the pieces to a darling cape with a Victorian/Edwardian look to it. I really wanted to make it out of a black Velvet, but was shy a bit in yardage. My goal these days is to use what my stock has to offer and not go out to buy more. So, the cape will be the same wonderful bridal satin which I used for the skirt. Needless to say, I am rather excited, and there are more Lolita's planned for the near future.
Now this selection of fabrics is making me giddy! A heavy on the slub Dupioni silk for the skirt, which I cut out yesterday afternoon, red satin, black lace, and just look at that red velvet! Sigh .... I am in love! The ensemble? A Victorian Gothic dripping with trained skirt, ruffles and lace, a contemporary low-necked bodice and a peplumed jacket with long flowing sleeves. My inspiration is a tad unusual. I was sitting outside the other morning and two crows flew over. Generally I see sub colors of greens and purples, but that morning I saw a touch of red ... maybe it was the way the sun was shinning on the feathers, but it threw my imagination into a tail spin and I'm flying with it! All puns intended LOL
Until July 23rd, House of Poleigh Naise, both on etsy and ebay, are having a sale at 25% off if anyone is interested, as I HOPE you are!! If you prefer to shop via etsy, you will need to use the coupon code ANNIVERSARY to take the 25% off the listed price. If you are an ebay purchaser, the gowns have already been reduced.
Here are pictures of the gowns you will see:
I invite you to go take a look!
What I really want for each of you is to have a wonderful day! And remember to smile! Hugs to you all!