I have been going through some of my Antique Fashion Magazines, and have decide there are some I can part with. That is actually not an easy decision!! As I was listing them on ebay, I sort of felt guilty LOL, but alas, it is time for other people to enjoy, and time for me to stop be greedy by hanging on to them.
Look at the delightful hand writing on the above!
Then there is a matter that I have been remiss, and not blogged the two gowns recently made. Both are Natural Form era.
I love the pop of red in the back, making it a great backdrop for the velvet bodice.
The above gown is truly a beauty!! Primarily black with Amethyst peaking through at the back train, back bodice and bodice sleeves.This gown would make an excellent Second Mourning gown for those interested. http://www.ebay.com/itm/201648339558?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Both gowns are listed on ebay, along with many past era publiations.
Next gown being created has begun! Gold, Red, Black, ruffles and beauty!!
Have a truly wonderful day!!!!! Remember to smile!