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Friday, October 31, 2014

Victorian Hallows Eve

I think as difficult as it may have been to remove the Celtic Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) from what Christianity deemed inappropriate, it still made its way into the yearly Autumn festival celebrations.  Even today in 2014, there are bonfires, donning costumes, celebrations of harvest, mischief making and ghost stories.

It was believed that ghosts walked the earth on Halloween, and in order to avoid being recognized by them, costumes were worn so the ghosts would mistake them for "fellow spirits".

Masquerade ball became "All The Rage", and having the right costume was incredibly important.  Here are some I came across while searching Google:

And once again, Victorian photography was experimenting and having some fun, so I thought I would add these pictures as well as they seem fitting for today LOL

And as it is my wish for you every day, don't forget to smile and have a wonderful day

 On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts walked the earth, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by wandering ghosts, people wore masks when they left their homes after dark so the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.

On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts walked the earth, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by wandering ghosts, people wore masks when they left their homes after dark so the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.
On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts walked the earth, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by wandering ghosts, people wore masks when they left their homes after dark so the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Those Silly Victorians

Now this, I can understand:

But this?

But hey, it's all about having that stand out picture now isn't it?  I mean, President Roosevelt Had a picture taken of him riding a Moose in 1912 after all


 So why not get a picture of little Sally


 Or maybe one with little Johnny


And we never knew what Aunt Agnus was going to arrive on


And if Auntie Agnus could, why not Lizzy


Or Milly

Or the rest of the family

But honestly, It is always Uncle Ronny we like seeing the most

Smile, and have a wonderful day

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar de la Renta .... you will be missed

 The man who has dressed every First Lady since Jackie O, has passed away at 82.

His goal was to make every woman feel beautiful, and he was a success in doing so.  He was18 when he left for Spain to study at the Academy of San Fernando in Madrid, and though he dabbled in abstract art, it was fashion he found his passion. In 1965, the Oscar de la Renta brand was launched.

 In addition to his lovely wife Annette, he is survived by his son, Moises, three stepchildren, nine step grand children and three sisters.

This is his final Runway Show September 2014

Rest in Peace Sir .... and you did make every woman beautiful

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Victorian Photoshop

 It is always interesting searching the internet for Victorian and Edwardian photographs, but this takes the cake LOL.  Why on earth would they do this? hahaha

But on that note, have a really great day and remember to smile!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Hats in Flight

The Edwardian women loved their big hats, but they also had an extreme fascination to feathers.  Now as I was perusing Edwardian hats, I naturally stumbled across a huge variety, from feathery loviliness

To some rather odd vertical types

To a Mohawk
This one had me in stitches
To hats adorned with whole birds ... yes, whole birds

But for what it is worth, they were unique. They were testaments to individual personalities. They were works of art. They were as much of a woman's accessories as was her umbrella or walking stick, and no head left the house uncovered.

Smile and have a wonderful day