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Monday, August 6, 2018

A Book Review, Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker, by Jennifer Chiaverini

This book is a two-time interest. 1. History 2. The historical seamstress in me could not resist.

I first stumbled across Jennifer Chiaverini's books years ago when I was a manager at Barnes and Noble.  Her first book series are quilting inspired, "Elm Creek Quilts" and are excellent mind you. She then morphed into historical fiction, and I applaud her dedication to researching so accurately.

I do not know if many of you know the history of Mary Todd Lincoln. Granted, she was married to an incredible man, but she herself is not a huge favorite of mine. Whenever I read about her I'm drawn into the ideology that she was really a selfish and spoiled woman. Sincerely, this is merely my opinion, but Ms. Chiaverini must have found the information, as many others have, with regard to Mrs. Lincoln. And while she was married to a great man, I do not find her to be a great woman ... except with her astute friendship with Elizabeth Keckley. Mrs. Lincoln, a weak character is balanced quite beautiful with a strong character in Elizabeth Keckley. So the question is, will that strength become weakened by the all mighty presence of Mrs. Lincoln? I'll let you be the judge when you read the book.

Elizabeth,  a mulatto slave woman who purchased the freedom for herself and her son prior to the Civil War. She owned her own business and was renowned for her skills as a Modiste, and sought out by many of the political leaders wives. Mary Todd  Lincoln was wise to hire Elizabeth, and the devotion the two women had to one another in their friendship is truly touching and extraordinary.

To read this book is to see the strength in a woman of color during a time when you would not expect to see her as the independent,  intelligent woman she was. And to see the wife of a great President who I wish would have just stayed home and not followed her husband to Washington, but of course that wasn't done, and Washington City had to bare with her, I'm afraid.

A very good book! I urge you to read it.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Changes and Direction


I am so excited about the direction my  business is now going!

I redid the House of Poleigh Naise Facebook page. Not that there was anything wrong with how it was, other than it had become a page filled with fashion plates and museum gowns, which did little for the promotion of the gowns I make and sell.  Please join me on the new page

 This fabric is what I am working with right now. Gorgeous, yes? The skirt of the fashion plate is what I am replicating. The bodice will be different as  I am making a Receiving Gown, not a ball gown. Where you see red will be stripe.

Upcoming projects include:

I have been wanting to make up this Butterick pattern, which isn't something I do very often, and when I stumbled across the semi sheer stripe, I knew I was needing to proceed! I'm actually a little late in making a summer gown for those who purchase, but I'm still going to make it, and if it sits unsold for a while, so be it LOL

Then today I saw this fabric which I snagged up in a hurry:

It will be a 1880's bustle gown mixed with pale pink and ivory with pale gold net lace.  I'm still debating the style, but I do not have a shortage of fashion plates to find inspiration from.

Also, I am presently taking special orders for Edwardian skirts, blouse and fabric belt ensembles.  You can check out the post on Facebook ....

Business hours have been set. Business cards ordered. Enthusiasm is at an all time high.

Thank you to all of you who follow me as a historical seamstress, an a huge thank you to all who have purchased from me.  As always, I would love to see you in your gowns and ask that you send me pictures!!  Its a real treat to be able to see such a beautiful final result.

Wishing you a beautiful day!  Best regards to you all.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Fashion Past ...

I have been going through some of my Antique Fashion Magazines, and have decide there are some I can part with.  That is actually not an easy decision!!  As I was listing them on ebay, I sort of felt guilty LOL, but alas, it is time for other people to enjoy, and  time for me to stop be greedy by hanging on to them.

Look at the delightful hand writing on the above!
 Then there is a matter that I have been remiss, and not blogged the two gowns recently made.  Both are Natural Form era.
 I love the pop of red in the back, making it a great  backdrop for the velvet bodice.

The above gown is truly a beauty!!  Primarily black with Amethyst peaking through at the back train, back bodice and bodice sleeves.This gown would make an excellent Second Mourning gown for those interested.

 Both gowns are listed on ebay, along with many past era publiations.

Next gown being created has begun!  Gold, Red, Black, ruffles and beauty!!

Have a truly wonderful day!!!!!  Remember to smile!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Meet Gothic Lolita

Good Wednesday Morning!!!

All is well here in Beautiful Western Slope of Colorado ... other than it is HOT, and we could use some rain. Hopefully that can be remedied this weekend.

I had a blast with the Gothic Lolita!  Turned out soooo cute!

It is for sale on both of my etsy and ebay sites.  Here is the esty listing:

 I absolutely love how the back of the Caplet turned out, and adding the little sailor collar feature is adorable
 Yesterday afternoon I finished the Victorian Gothic skirt and I am loving the direction it is going.  For some unknown reason .... okay I do know ... I kept adding to the decoration of it.  I couldn't help myself!  It just kept screaming for more, so more it received.
I wanted to keep the red to a minimum in the skirt and I think by putting it in this way turned out super enticing.  Today I start the overskirt, so more pictures later, an it is my hope this Victorian Gothic will be listed over the weekend, as I keep thinking of another Victorian Gothic I want to make. Think black (of course) and Amethyst!  Yummy

On a side note, It is looking more and more my Corgi female, Abba, is with Puppy
Boston seems nonplussed LOL His favorite sleeping position, by the way hahaha

So, September could be an interesting and excited month for me and my dog pack family ...

Wishing all of you a beautiful an wonderful day. Remember to smile!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Change can be good!

Yes, yes, I know. I am LONG overdue with keeping this updated. I apologize, and I sincerely hope to be a better blogger. Maybe not everyday, but certainly hoping to write a few times a week ...

Let me start with telling you how excited I am about some changes here at House of Poleigh Naise! As long as there is a Victorian based garment in the works, I am a happy camper .... but I have to tell you, Medieval  and Renaissance cry my name these days, as well as Victorian Gothic, and even the playfulness of Lolita.
 This little Lolita is in the works! This is sort of a teaser picture as the ensemble is not yet completed.  I took the opportunity to cut out the pieces to a darling cape with a Victorian/Edwardian look to it.  I really wanted to make it out of a black Velvet, but was shy a bit in yardage.  My goal these days is to use what my stock has to offer and not go out to buy more.  So, the cape will be the same wonderful bridal satin which I used for the skirt. Needless to say, I am rather excited, and there are more Lolita's planned for the near future.
 Now this selection of fabrics is making me giddy!  A heavy on the slub Dupioni silk for the skirt, which I cut out yesterday afternoon, red satin, black lace, and just look at that red velvet!  Sigh .... I am in love!  The ensemble? A Victorian Gothic dripping with trained skirt, ruffles and lace, a contemporary low-necked bodice and a peplumed jacket with long flowing sleeves.  My inspiration is a tad unusual. I was sitting outside the other morning and two crows flew over. Generally I see sub colors of greens and purples, but that morning I saw a touch of red ... maybe it was the way the sun was shinning on the feathers, but it threw my imagination into a tail spin and I'm flying with it! All puns intended LOL

Until July 23rd, House of Poleigh Naise, both on etsy and ebay, are having a sale at 25% off if anyone is interested, as I HOPE you are!! If you prefer to shop via etsy, you will need to use the coupon code ANNIVERSARY to take the 25% off the listed price.  If you are an ebay purchaser, the gowns have already been reduced.

Here are pictures of the gowns you will see:

I invite you to go take a look!

What I really want for each of you is to have a wonderful day!  And remember to smile! Hugs to you all!

Friday, October 31, 2014

Victorian Hallows Eve

I think as difficult as it may have been to remove the Celtic Samhain (pronounced Sow-in) from what Christianity deemed inappropriate, it still made its way into the yearly Autumn festival celebrations.  Even today in 2014, there are bonfires, donning costumes, celebrations of harvest, mischief making and ghost stories.

It was believed that ghosts walked the earth on Halloween, and in order to avoid being recognized by them, costumes were worn so the ghosts would mistake them for "fellow spirits".

Masquerade ball became "All The Rage", and having the right costume was incredibly important.  Here are some I came across while searching Google:

And once again, Victorian photography was experimenting and having some fun, so I thought I would add these pictures as well as they seem fitting for today LOL

And as it is my wish for you every day, don't forget to smile and have a wonderful day

 On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts walked the earth, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by wandering ghosts, people wore masks when they left their homes after dark so the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.

On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts walked the earth, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by wandering ghosts, people wore masks when they left their homes after dark so the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.
On Halloween, when it was believed that ghosts walked the earth, people thought that they would encounter ghosts if they left their homes. To avoid being recognized by wandering ghosts, people wore masks when they left their homes after dark so the ghosts would mistake them for fellow spirits.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Those Silly Victorians

Now this, I can understand:

But this?

But hey, it's all about having that stand out picture now isn't it?  I mean, President Roosevelt Had a picture taken of him riding a Moose in 1912 after all


 So why not get a picture of little Sally


 Or maybe one with little Johnny


And we never knew what Aunt Agnus was going to arrive on


And if Auntie Agnus could, why not Lizzy


Or Milly

Or the rest of the family

But honestly, It is always Uncle Ronny we like seeing the most

Smile, and have a wonderful day